A group of at-risk teenage girls and boys – who live in an incredible, unique foster home in the middle of the desert, on a spectacular cliff called “Nowhere” – now find themselves alone after their “mama”, the founder and director of “Nowhere”, is seriously injured in an accident.
Alone in the desert, all on their own, with the restaurant and resort site they need to keep running in order to put food on the table. And if that’s not enough, they must fight for their home against the bad guys – a formidable Tel Aviv real estate family that has been trying to get rid of them for years to build an exclusive resort for rich people there instead of their home.
And because Ella suspects that the “Nowhere” founder’s accident didn’t just happen by chance, this group of 16–18-year-olds, whose lives aren’t exactly peaches and cream to begin with, is about to set off for war. Over their home. Against forces that they can’t even imagine.